The Carbon Footprint Project (CFP) is a company-wide sustainability initiative that began in 2009/2010. Under this initiative, we report greenhouse gas emissions on an annual basis according to the calendar year. Core to the CFP, we track and monitor carbon emissions (absolute and intensity) under Scope 1 and Scope 2 as well as identifying and implementing key emission reduction initiatives. Operational Energy Efficiency is also calculated by converting carbon data. Our initial baseline was set in 2010 and then revised in 2016 due to changes in our business activities. In 2020, the company is again reviewing the baseline due to further changes in the nature of the company’s business. This may lead to changes in the carbon footprint profile, thereby requiring us as per GHG Guideline) to restate our baseline.
One of the key lessons learnt over the past decade of undertaking the CFP, is that engagement across the company’s staff is essential for a successful outcome where we have (in the last three years) seen a reduction (assured) in total emissions and emissions intensity, whilst not stifling business growth.
The initiative has a two-pronged objective – to reduce the climate change impact from our business and to reduce operational costs. This is important in the context of the global climate change agenda and in support of Malaysia’s pledge to cut emissions intensity (against GDP) by up to 45% by 2030.
All segments owned or controlled by Property Development, Investment Management and Hospitality & Leisure.
To review and restate (if needed) the carbon intensity baseline.
To achieve at least 9% carbon intensity reduction.
To achieve at least 30% carbon intensity reduction.
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