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The Water Management Project is a company wide sustainability initiative started in 2016, focusing on water consumption and reduction opportunities. Presently, the project tracks metered potable water used (mostly), while non-potable water is tracked but is not a part of the overall intensity calculations at present. However, it does account for about 10-15% of total water used (in 2019 - 87,776m3 of 674,951m3). The 2016 Preliminary Representative Baseline is being reviewed in 2020 and if needed, will be restated now that 4 years of data have been gathered.


To track Sime Darby Property’s water consumption and optimise use to reduce our impact on the environment and ecosystems.

  • Optimising environmental performance resulting from our business activities, in the context of climate change, is becoming more critical year by year. We are aware of the potential risks from a changing environment, including potential exposure to related extreme weather events. There is a need to inculcate further resilience in our business value chain and product. By extension, we understand that conserving water also protects other water-reliant lifeforms. Our program outlined above implies that our focus is on water quantity and on the ESH page, environmental compliance. However, we are also interested in water quality, the necessary needs of ecosystems and the interconnected nature of the hydrological cycle, hence our investment in matters such as creating wetlands. In this vein, we have engaged an international environmental NGO related to wetlands conservation to co-create a constructed wetlands and maintenance guideline. This extends to implementing its application in new and future green spaces and flood mitigation assets. Furthermore, we also encourage and track water savings features/fittings in all our townships and integrated developments (WEPL/WELPS certified).
  • Supporting UN-SDG 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
    UN-SDG 11
    UN-SDG 12
    UN-SDG 13
    UN-SDG 14
    UN-SDG 15

All segments owned or controlled by Property Development, Investment Management and Hospitality & Leisure.

Short-term Target

To review and reset baseline for water intensity (if required).

Mid-term Target

To achieve at least 9% water intensity reduction.

Long-term Target

To achieve at least 30% water intensity reduction.


In 2019, 2.26% water intensity reduction from Preliminary Representative 2016 Baseline

  • Eco-efficiency audit, regular engagement and briefings.
  • Accountability through embedding annual reduction targets within the company scorecard KPI as a key component of the staff performance management system.
  • Long-term targets embedded into SDP 2030 Sustainability Goals.
Water Intensity Result vs Baseline & Reduction Target (m3/m2) from FY2016 to FY 2019
Reference to other source documents
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