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Applying Human Rights allows all decision-making to be centred around the equal rights of every individual from being free to basic rights (shelter, food, security) and equal opportunity in the pursuit of happiness.

This is embedded into our Corporate Governance & Authority Policy which includes among others, the prevention of modern-day slavery and human trafficking, and the fostering and support of appropriate behaviours, beliefs and values.

Sime Darby Property is committed to upholding the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. To this effect, Sime Darby Property has adopted the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles, whereby we ensure the welfare and human rights of our employees through our policies. In exercising such formalities, we have put in place, for example, our Child Protection Policy to raise awareness on child safety, well-being, and protection.


To ensure that the Human Rights of every individual stakeholder within SDP, its vendors and communities are provisioned, upheld and respected in accordance to the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights and other internationally recognised standards.


Define a company-specific Human Rights Policy outlining the commitment and respect SDP will provide for all its internal and external stakeholders.

Corporate policies which reflect and support to respecting and promoting human rights as follows:

  • Code of Business Conduct
  • Equal Opportunity & Anti-Discrimination
  • HR Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Privacy Policy - Personal Data Protection Act
  • Group Procurement Policies
  • Anti-bribery & Corruption
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Competition Law Compliance
  • Sustainability, Quality, Environment, Safety & Health Management Policy
Key Initiatives

Our corporate policies reflect and support our commitment to respecting and promoting human rights to our employees, contractors, vendors, customer & communities and as well as our business partners, as follows:


  • We will be respectful in our conduct when dealing with our superiors, peers, subordinates and external stakeholders.
  • We are committed to providing an inclusive environment that promotes diversity and is free from discrimination, racism and bias.
  • We do not tolerate all forms of harassment, abuse or violence.
  • We strive to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all.
  • We strive to uphold basic principles of human rights including freedom of association, protecting children’s rights and eradicating any form of exploitation.
  • We respect the rights of employees to join and form organisations of their own choice and to bargain collectively.

Sime Darby Property places the greatest importance on the well-being and safety of its workforce. The nature of our business involves a number of occupational health and safety risks.


Poor performance in environmental management and occupational safety and health can significantly impact lives as well as organisation productivity, quality, and the delivery of products and services. This aligns with the UNSDG 3,8 and 16.


Applies to all stakeholders of Sime Darby Property.

  • Zero workplace accident-related fatalities.
  • Zero harm to employees, contractors and the communities in which we operate.
  • To conduct our business in a way that minimises risks to the environment.
  • To comprehensively integrate ESH into all of our business activities.
  • Demonstrate industry leadership in ESH performance.
  • No fatal accident cases for almost four (4) years, with the last fatal accident reported in May 2016.
  • Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTI-FR), saw an increase from 0.24 to 0.31 (29% increase).
Fatal Accident Rate, FAR No. Of Fatalities/100 million work hours
Fatal Accident Rate
Lost Time Injury - Frequency Rate, LTI - FR No. of Incidents/1,000,000 million work hours
Lost Time Injury
  • Ensure that all stakeholders comply with multiple developed SOPs and all applicable legislative requirements as stated in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994; the Factories and Machinery Act 1967; and the Construction Industry Development Board Act 1994;.
  • Education and training related to assisting workforce members or community members regarding ESH risks are provided in the appropriate language and format during formal training, campaigns and roadshows.


  • Risk Based Assessment.
  • ESH Merit Demerit.
  • Alignment to 2030 goals.
Reference to other source documents
  • ESH Policy Sime Darby Property (pdf)

The development and retention of our employees has always been an important objective for the company. This is reflected in the design and implementation of our human capital development strategies.

The company focuses not only on improving competencies but inculcating the effective application of our core values :

  • Passion
  • Respect & Teamwork
  • Integrity & Accountability
  • Make-it-Happen
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit (PRIME)
Our people images

Highly-engaged, accountable and competent employees find creative ways to meet customer needs and produce effective results for the organisation. To arrive at these expected outcomes, the company applies a broad approach to staff recruitment, development, engagement, performance setting, tracking and rewards. The company is seen in many ways as an extension of one’s family and a place where those who desire to excel are enabled to do so.

In developing our greatest asset (our people), we are committed to fully realising their potential. Our policies, core values and Code of Business Conduct are developed to reflect our commitment to creating a fair and safe workplace with diversity as an enabling tactic. This includes policies that ensure equal opportunity and non-discrimination to promote diversity and inclusion. Our overall approach in supporting our talent is in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

In support of closing the gender gap in Malaysia, especially in a field traditionally dominated by men, almost half of our workforce are women.

We have a wide range of developmental training programmes to cater to our diverse staff base. With the recent Covid-19 Movement Control Order (MCO) (in 2020), we adopted virtual classes to ensure our employees continue their upskilling journey within the safety of their homes.

Our flexible working hours have also offered employees flexibility in delivering their work, where the emphasis is not on hours but on output and results.

For more information about our people, refer to page 203 of the company’s Annual Report, accessible through this link.


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